The Public Health Stress Solution


You chose public health to create a meaningful impact.

You’ve dedicated 10+ years to your career.

And now you’re paying a price.

  • Your health suffers—lack of sleep, weight gain.

  • Relationship strain—disengaged & short-tempered.

  • Wellbeing neglected—no time for hobbies or self-care.

You wake up dreading a flood of inbox requests. Rushing out the door, grabbing breakfast on the go, and battling traffic. At your desk, staff interrupts your work.

You have back-to-back meetings and a never-ending to-do list.

If you eat lunch at all, it’s hunched over your desk as crumbs fall onto your keyboard. As the day ends, you answer Teams messages as you head home.

There is a simple solution.

I want you to imagine:

  • Having a leisurely start to your work day.

  • Leaving work on time and heading to yoga class.

  • Weekends being sanctuaries, free from work.

  • Spending more quality time with your partner.

  • Waking up fully rested after a night of sleep.

You can have ALL of this.

Without quitting your job.

I’m Marissa McKool, MPH

I help you eliminate your work stress, double your free time, and make an impact in public health.

In 2017, I discovered the secret to eliminating stress in public health.

I had more energy, real control over my job, flexibility in my schedule, and overflowing free time.

I volunteered at an animal shelter, started Arabic lessons, took Orange Theory classes, went jet-setting across the globe, and so much more.

This propelled my career— and my impact.

I became an Executive Director and was able to make a bigger difference in the world.

(plus I raked in nearly $30,000 extra a year)

What most work stress advice gets wrong.

First, you can’t fit in yoga or meditation when you barely have time to pack a lunch.

(plus, those practices don’t work for everyone.)

Second, you don’t need another calendar tool because productivity is not the problem.

Third, overworking is the result of internalized patriarchy, white supremacy, and ableism.

Learn how to break free from hustle culture & eliminate your stress.

So you can make a bigger impact on the world.

The Public Health Stress Solution

Integrating evidence-based science, feminist coaching principles and the public health context.

What creates stress is not the inadequate resources, restrictive agency policies, or poor leadership communication in public health.

(which is good news because you can’t control those things and you’ll face them no matter your job)

Stress is created in your brain.

And stored in your body.

How your brain reacts to work challenges is what creates stress.

Hustle culture and the patriarchy have taught your brain to react in a way that creates constant stress.

This is why advocating for changes at work, trying a new calendar tool, or even therapy hasn’t resolved your work stress.

(this is also why you always feel overwhelmed and can’t turn your work brain off)

When your brain creates stress, systems of oppression win.

Not just because you overwork and exhaust yourself…

Or because you don’t experience joy and fulfillment..

But because you don’t put your genius into action and change the world.

The good news is, you can change this.

By learning how to undo the patterns your brain has formed from hustle culture, the patriarchy, and white supremacy.

So your brain can stop creating work stress.

✨You’ll have more time and energy.

✨You’ll feel confident and empowered.

✨You’ll make a bigger impact in your career.

It’s simple.

This is what I teach you how to do.


Here’s How You’ll Get the Solution

🎯 We get clear on your desire to have an impact with your career and feel fulfilled in your life.

💻 I coach you weekly to stop your brain from creating stress in real time.

📝 You practice tools to undo the patterns in your brain in-between sessions.

You won’t find this anywhere else in public health.

Not in doctorate programs, from HR departments, or conferences.

The Investment

6 months | $6,000

Make this commitment because:

  1. Time is precious (and limited): There is no need to feel regret about your life or career because the solution is right here, right now. Working with me is the fastest way to eliminate your work stress so you can prioritize what matters most to you—time with loved ones and making a difference in the world.

  2. Health is wealth: You don’t have to suffer the consequences of chronic stress. Instead, you can get back to sleeping well, losing weight, having normal blood pressure, not losing hair, and your eczema not flaring up.

  3. The world needs your help: You chose public health because you can make a difference in the lives of others. The communities you want to help need you. Eliminating your stress is the only way to have the level of impact you know you can have on the world.

  4. You matter: By being a woman and working in public health, you’ve been socialized to always prioritize others over yourself, but YOU matter. Your time, energy, and career dreams matter. You can have a fulfilling career and a thriving personal life without apologizing.

It’s time to get unstuck.

This investment pales in comparison to the time & money you’d continue to sacrifice if you don’t make a change.

Don’t just take my word for it

Listen to what Lynda has to say 👇🏼

How to Get Started

Step 1: Meet with me

Schedule your consultation call. On this call, I’ll conduct a brief assessment. No prep is required of you—I’ll come with the questions.

Then if I can help you, I’ll share how we’ll work together.

Click here to schedule your call

Step 2: Decide

During our call, you'll decide if you want to hire me. I'll address any questions and ensure you feel confident about your choice.

If you need more time to make a decision, we’ll schedule a follow-up call.

Step 3: Begin

Once you decide to hire me, you'll review and sign a contract, make your online payment, and schedule your coaching sessions.


  • The consultation helps us both determine if I am the best coach for you, without any pressure to commit.

    On the call, I'll walk you through a brief assessment and if you're a good fit, share more about working together.

  • Yes. I don't want finances to hold you back from eliminating your stress. That's why there are no interest fees on payment plans.

    The standard payment plan is four equal payments of $1,500, but I’m happy to discuss a payment structure that best suits your needs.

  • This is designed with women or people socialized as women in mind. If you identify as non-binary or trans but have been socialized as a woman, you are welcome to work with me

  • Schedule a consultation so we can determine if working together is the right fit for you.

  • When you're busy is the exact right time to hire me. You wouldn't hire a plumber when you don't have a leak. Same here. You eliminate your stress when you are stressed.

  • I only work with full-time public health professionals in their 30s-50s.

    If you are a student, I recommend you download to my podcast Redefining Rest to help you reduce your stress.

    You can find it on Spotify or Apple.

  • One weekly coaching call and a brief worksheet between sessions.

  • The timeline to eliminate work stress varies person to person. Progress reviews are built into our time together so I can provide additional support and resources if necessary for you to reach your goals. If during our time together we both determine you need more time to achieve your goals, we will discuss extending the coaching timeline.